Our renewed website
In line with the demands of the modern age our site has got a new image, and in addition to a more sophisticated appearance its content has also become more transparent and structured. The old static page has been replaced by a Drupal CMS, as a result of which the management and updating of contents on the GUI have become significantly simpler.
We have created an information page for our clients, where the most important settings related to our services become available in one place right after login, and our clients also have direct access to the webmailing system and administrative interfaces.
We have collected all the documents and forms necessary for orders and administrative tasks on the downloads site and they are available in several different formats.
In order to enhance transparency, the current price list of our activities has been assigned a separate page, grouped according to service types.
We sincerely hope that our new design appeals to you, we try to provide continuous updates and offer useful tips and ideas in the form of short notes. If you have any remarks, requests or questions, feel free to contact us and send your message by filling in the contact form.